If you're living with back or neck pain, you're not alone. In fact, orthopaedic doctors see patients every day who are struggling with these issues. But too often, we shrug off the pain as a fact of life. We think it's something we just have to deal with. And while...
Preparing Yourself for Surgery
We know that surgery can be a daunting option for many, especially If you have never experienced a surgery with anesthesia, making even the simplest of procedures can seem overwhelming. However, the more you prepare ahead of time can help to lessen your pre-surgery...
High School Sports Injuries
Sports injuries are common among athletes and often impact the foot, ankle, wrist, or head. But what are some of the most common types of injuries in high school sports? Who is most at risk of injury? For starters, some of the more common sports injuries among high...
Common Lower Back Injuries in Golf
Although golf is considered a type of low-intensity sport, injuries can still happen. Back pain is one of the most commonly reported injuries among golfers -which doesn’t come as much of a surprise due to the constant rotational movement involved in the swing. Several...
How to Improve Bone Health
The body contains over 200 bones that perform a variety of different roles, including providing structure, protection of your organs, anchor points for muscles, and calcium storage. When you’re thinking about striving to improve your overall health, chances are,...
What is a Herniated Disc
A disc – in relation to your spine – is a rubbery “cushion” of sorts, with one disc occupying the space between each vertebrae, which are the individual bones that form your spine. These spinal discs are not unlike a jelly donut in that they have a tough exterior that...
Soft Tissue Injuries
What is a Soft Tissue Injury? A soft tissue injury (STI) is damage to the body's connective tissues, which can include muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Soft tissue injuries can be caused in a variety of ways. Trauma, such as a fall or car accident, can cause...
Neck Pain
Your neck is a pretty amazing structure, wouldn’t you agree? The neck – also known as the cervical spine – is comprised of bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons and, aside from holding up your head (which weighs, on average, between 10 and 13 pounds), is also...
Introduction to Arthritis
Let’s start with some facts about arthritis, courtesy of the Arthritis Foundation. Did you know that: Over 50 million adults possess a physician-diagnosed type of arthritis. 1 out of every 250 infants and children have either arthritis or another rheumatic condition....
Explaining the Shoulder
The shoulder is one of the most complicated joints in the body. It is one of the few ball and socket joints, yet it has the largest range of motion of any joint in the body. The shoulder consists of many complicated mechanisms that all must work in tandem in order to...
Hip 102
The hip joint is a true ball-and-socket joint that consists of a complex design that is able to provide the body with both stability and mobility. There are many powerful muscles that connect with – and cross over – the hip joint, which makes it possible for the human...
Exercising After an Ankle Injury
When you suffer an injury, you may be tempted to get back to your routine as quickly as you can. Proper healing takes time and pushing yourself to get back to normal before your body is ready can be very dangerous. A sprain occurs when the ligament in your ankle is...