submit aN FMLA/Disability form
Nebraska Orthopaedic Center, PC has partnered with Sharecare to fulfill your requests for FMLA/Disability forms completion.
Nebraska Orthopaedic Center, PC is committed to protecting your medical information. For information about your rights and the obligations you have regarding the use and disclosure of your medical information, please see our Notice of Privacy Practices.
If you are a patient, employer, or disability company requesting an FMLA or Disability form to be completed, please follow the instructions below.
The FMLA Disability Form is fillable and is easier to complete on a desktop computer.
submit your request:
1. Download and fill out the FMLA Disability Form.
2. Upload the completed form on the submission portal.
3. Sharecare will contact you within 48 hours to collect payment for processing.
- Your form will be ready in 5-7 business days from the receipt of your electronic request.
check status of request
- If you need help, please call 866-273-4039
- Or Contact Support for live chat