Overuse injuries occur when you repeat the same actions over and over again, putting too much stress on specific parts of your body. You can experience a variety of overuse injuries, but some are more common than others. Learn more about common overuse injuries and...
orthopaedic injury
Casting and Splinting
Fracture care, or the treatment of broken bones, is a fundamental specialty of Nebraska Orthopaedic Center. A bone may be fractured in any number of ways requiring treatment through the specialized training and experience of an orthopedic surgeon. (For Cast Care...
Shin Splints
Shin splints (known in the medical world as (medial tibial stress syndrome) tend to develop after physical activity, are a common exercise related injury, and tend to be associated with running. It’s important to note that shin splints can occur during any vigorous...
Chronic Ankle Instability
Chronic ankle instability is an extremely common and often debilitating problem amongst those in the sporting world. In fact, acute ankle sprain is one of the most commonly reported injuries in all levels of sports, and even though it’s “just a sprain”, it’s not an...
Back Pack Safety
When your child drops their backpack at the door, does it feel like you’re trying to move 50 pounds of rocks? Does your child struggle to put their backpack on or complain about tingling in their back? Since back-to-school season is officially here, it’s time to talk...
3 Sports You Didn’t Realize Are Dangerous
Practically every family loves to get involved in local sports, and most communities provide recreational sports, especially for young children. Sports are a great way to get the proper amount of exercise and spend time unwinding as a family. However, without taking...
Common Winter Injuries and How to Prevent Them
As the winter season closes in, we all become excited to see the beautiful aspects of it. But as winter comes, so do the dangers that follow. There are some very common injuries that occur during the snowy and icy winter months; however, we’ve got some tips below on...
5 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
Misconceptions are views that falter from what is based true due to a wrong or inaccurate idea. They are often a view or opinion that means one thing in everyday life, but something else entirely from a scientific or medical standpoint. So, let’s take a few minutes to...